Friday, May 05, 2006

[Career information] Midlife Crisis - or Midcareer Crisis?

Q. You’ve heard of midlife crisis? Well, I am having a mid-career crisis. I love my job but have fallen into a routine, where I’m feeling bored. I need to add some excitement but don’t want a new career or a geographical move. Any suggestions?

A. Today we demand more from our careers than ever before, and many high-achieving clients initiate a call because they’re experiencing a mid-career crisis. You feel as though your career has broken down but in fact you’ve broken through some very real barriers.

Stop the TEDS: Television, Eating, Drinking, and Shopping: Nearly everyone experiments with one or more of these diversions.

Replace with CAPS: Creative Project, Action, Physical Activity, Surprise.

Creative Project:

Work through Julia Cameron’s new book, Walking in This World, and rediscover your creative self. Take a novel-writing seminar or a pottery class. You’ll never be the same.


Do something different. Some people start small. Choose a new restaurant for lunch. Turn left instead of right. Walk instead of driving. Attend a symphony (if you usually attend sports events) or a baseball game (if you’re a long-time symphony goer).

Learn something new. Each year add 1 new skill take at least 1 class just for fun – anything from medieval history to Conversational Urdu.

Why does this work? Read The Medici Effect

Physical Activity:

Guaranteed to move brain cells around and generate new ideas, not to mention energy. Anything from marathon running to weight lifting to dog walking (you knew I’d get that in somewhere, didn’t you?).

Surprise: Some clients tell me they benefited from a period of introspection. Some even go on retreats and quests. But most find their answers by accident. You set off in a new direction. You leave your comfort zone. You get really busy.

And then one day you wake up and realize, “I’m feeling great now. Boredom? Gone! The edge is back.”

Bonus article: Considering a sabbatical?
Read this first.

Take action on your own Mid-Career Crisis with my best-selling Special Report:
Your 21-Day Extreme Career Makeover

During a Mid-Career Crisis, our intuition often shuts down and refuses to speak to us. Learn how to teach your intuition to send you a telegram – not a post card. No woo-woo, no crystal balls.

Start here.

Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D.
Creator of the 21 Day Career Makeover System
Download now and start moving to find your own dream career today.

21-Day Time Management Makeover begins

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