Sunday, January 08, 2006

[Great Career Tips] Plan for January 2007

According to a recent New York Times article, psychologists find that introspection can be counterproductive. Sometimes a “gut reaction” can actually be more accurae than analysis.

“Don’t Think Twice – It’s All Right” by Timothy D. Wilson, first published December 29, 2005.

According to this article, we shouldn’t think “why,” but “what” and “how.”

And according to other research, writing down goals and dreams can help us get closer to making them happen – or realize we don’t really want them after all.

So let’s start with the “what” and consider the “how” in future issues.

1. Imagine that it’s December 31, 2006. You are writing a letter to a good friend. You write, “I had a great year. I am especially happy with these three accomplishments...” And list them.

2. Imagine it’s March 21, 2006. You are talking to some friends in a social situation. They ask, “How’s your year going?” What would make you say, “It’s been a great year so far.”

3. List one skill you’d like to develop in 2006 – business or personal.

4. List one educational program you’d like to try – a mentorship, university or continuing education program. How can you take a taste before committing: a single class, an interview with current participants, or ...

5. List one activity you’d like to do – just for fun.

Finally: What do you absolutely, positively not want to put off till “someday.” Travel to a specific place? A career change? Finally getting around to writing your book? Starting your own business?

Because this year may be the best “someday” you’ll have.

Happy January to all. Send me your answers and you’ll get a personal reply! I can’t coach you (obviously) but I will acknowledge and perhaps suggest resources.

Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D. works with midlife midcareer professionals who want to change, advance or transform their careers. Download Why Most Career Change Fails and How You Can Write Your Own Success Story.

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