Wednesday, April 04, 2007

7 Dumb Career Mistakes Made by Smart People

I was inspired to write this post after reading about a former flight attendant who made a whole bunch of these mistakes. Don't look now but a lot of smart people make at least one.

Dumb Mistake #1: Posting a photo of yourself in a provocative pose on the Internet.

Dumb Mistake #2: Wearing a company uniform (or carrying an emblem of the company, standing outside company HQ) while performing Dumb Mistake #1.

Dumb Mistake #3: Writing a blog about your company "for therapy" and insisting it's for you and your friends.

Dumb Mistake #4: Using the company email to send a personal message. I get dozens of queries every year: "Hi Cathy. I hate my job. Can you help?" All written on the company's message system.

Dumb Mistake #5: Thinking your boss, the HR department or the recruiter is your friend.

Dumb Mistake #6: Expecting free help. Yep, every year I get calls from senior execs who ask if we can "just talk" for an hour or so.

Dumb Mistake #7: Working extra hours to help your current company when you've been given notice: you're going to be laid off in six months or less.

Recognize yourself? I sure do.

Why do smart folks make dumb mistakes ?

Secretly they hate their jobs and are into self-sabotage.

They're brilliant at career success but not career change.

They're nice people who expect others to be nice too. (So far it's worked)

All of the above.

P.S. If you really hate your job,
check this out.

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