Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Bringing Work Home

Today's Wall Street Journal carried an article that gives new meaning to the notion of "taking work home."

Seems cubicle-dwellers introduce workplace jargon into domestic life.

You don't like the electric bill? "Push back." That means, "Argue."

Need help? "Reach out." That means, "Talk."

One spouse accused her husband of interrogating their ten-year-old, using the litigator mode that made their comfortable life possible. The topic involved an illicit delivery of chocolate milk outside the kitchen.

I'm not so sure this trend is all bad. Reframing often brings new perspective.

As for the lawyer, a systematic, businesslike interrogation might be kinder than what a lot of parents would do.

Maybe I could introduce career coaching methods to my own little family. "Gracie, have you considered options for stress besides chewing my socks? I can suggest a few..."

Bad idea.

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