Monday, May 28, 2007

Talking back to the head hunter on performance reviews.

On a recent post, a recruiter "The Headhunter" columnist answered a reader's question about performance reviews. "I haven't had a review in 4 years," the reader said. "What should I do?"

The columnist advised the reader to press the issue. If necessary, he said, "Go to the Human Resource department. It's possible your boss isn't following policy."

But here's a counter argument.

What are the nonverbal signals? Are you getting raises and rewards? What's your relationship with your boss?

More important: Are you more marketable today than you were 4 years ago? One year ago? Six months ago?

Staying marketable is your best protection against bad reviews, no matter what.

For more:


Anonymous said...

Hi Cathy:

Sorry to use you comments as a substitute for email but I couldn't find any contact information on your site. We write about issues relating to midlife (including career) so your blog is of interest to us. Please let me know if you would like to trade blog roll links.


Cathy Goodwin said...

Sure ...Contact info in my profile. Or visit and click on "Contact."