Sunday, August 13, 2006

Was that interview for real?

Q. "I'm still dizzy from my latest encounter. Aargh. I went on an interview that should have been a slam-dunk...and nothing happened. I felt like they were putting on a show."

A. You are absolutely right: many interviews are just for show. And you are
absolutely wise (in my opinion, anyway) to consider alternatives like solo-preneurship.

And although companies say they're searching for the right candidate, sometimes
they already hired someone -- and they are jumping through hoops for the HR
department. It can have an upside.

I once had a delightful trip to Boston as the "other candidate." I asked if I could stay over an extra couple of nights at my own expense. No problem, they said - we'll pick up on tab.

A guilt trip?

I sure hope so!

Note: This article is based in part on my Job Search Book:
Click here to learn more.

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