Tuesday, July 25, 2006

[Career change tips] "Diversify and keep your power"

Recently a client said, "I've identified two companies that I'd really, really like to work for. Should I concentrate all my efforts on those companies or keep other avenues open?"

Here's what I'd say.

Sometimes a laser focus pays off. I once met "Ruth," who was absolutely determined to get a career in hotel sales. She began attending industry meetings, building relationships with key hotel managers and taking classes in hospitality management. After awhile she began to look as though she belonged. And eventually she did land an offer.

Ruth invested several months in her search. Thanks to unemployment and severance, she could take time off to mount a dedicated campaign.

Most of my clients can't.

If Ruth had been my client, I would have suggested moving in more than one direction. After all, suppose she reaches her Paradise and finds a half dozen alligators hiding in the swamp (which she thought was a lake, actually)? And by keeping multiple irons in the fire, she would come across as confident and strong rather than needy and desperate.

Targeting a single comany is even more hazardous than choosing a single industry. Keep a Plan B going and diversify your portfolio of opportunities.

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